The Immaculate Conception forms the basis of the
Catholic religion as it is known today. Therefore, it is natural that a medal would exist which commemorates the miraculous conception and symbolism of the birth of Jesus Christ. The miraculous medals were created by Saint Catherine Laboure, a nun who belonged to the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, after she had a vision of the Virgin Mary. Catholics believe that the medallions confer blessings and intercessions from Mary as long as they are worn with faith and devotion. Millions of people, both Catholic and non-Catholics alike, wear these medals today.
St. Catherine Laboure was the second to last child out of 11 children. Her mother passed away at a young age and she was taken in by her aunts. It is believed that Saint Catherine was a psychic. There are reports of her foretelling some events correctly but missing others. She became a nursing sister after she had a dream about
Saint Vincent de Paul. The idea for the miraculous medals was given to her during a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In fact, she had two visions total of Mary, both of which pertained to the development of the medallions.